Monday, 20 January 2014

The best time of your life...

For years I have heard people say " College will be the best time in your life, you will miss it when it's gone" and it made me think probably I'm in the wrong college or times have changed and college is just as good as school. But boy i was SO wrong!!

Initially , it was a major change, travelling for hours in the metro..attending lectures till 6 and then two hours minimum to reach back home. I hated it, thought it might have been the stupidest idea to shift from DU . It took a long long time getting used to the rigorous schedule. I remember getting easily lost while finding classes , which now i know like the back of my hand. The first few months you are still getting to know people, finding people who you will find easier to gel up with and once you do..there is no looking back.

The ups and downs in college were major learning experiences. The freedom you have from everyone, to do what you life the way you wanted to. It takes a while to get used to the sudden high in life due to all the liberty. In the beginning this all seems too good to be true , but then after messing up your results and all you realize " ooh so probably i have some responsibilities too and college is not only about having a blast".

We all have had those days when we hate the college and days when we think, it's not that bad. We have had days when we haven't had classes and we actually wanted to have them because we got so tired of sitting around doing nothing, a bunch of 19 year olds thinking this way is saying something. Days when we haven't had time to breathe. Looking back i will for a fact laugh about all these days.

Eventually in the end,in spite of all the drama in the last four years it comes down to  remembering the events which had occurred and which we will repetitively talk about  whenever we meet after graduation, the mad laughter which will be heard when the stories are re-lived and the same message will be passed on by us to youngsters in their teens that " College will be the best time you have".

Saanchi Singh

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