Has Science Failed in Developing Scientific Temperament in Society? (Inputs from the Class GD)
Scientific temperament can be defined as the way we look at the world in a scientific manner to brainstorm whether a certain product or issue works, looking at it with a logical and scientific point of view. It is an attitude of logical thinking.
Science has always been a part of our lives. It has made extraordinary things possible. At the flick of a switch, we have light and electricity. When we are ill, science helps us get better. Its place in society is not to unfold quietly at the sidelines but to become a fundamental part of the game. Now more than ever, science must engage with us, and we must engage with science.
But there are times when science has failed to develop scientific temperament in the society because of many reasons. Essential requirement of Scientific Temper in the society is the attitude of not accepting answers without scrutiny. We will find that the tendency is very common to accept views and opinions simply, because traditionally we have accepted these views, or some very important persons or some books which are highly esteemed like our religious books have expressed the views. But, the scientific method requires solid information and incontrovertible data, and then suitable analysis before accepting anything.
We all know that we knew much less a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago, hence, all views handed down to us by tradition are not to be unquestioningly accepted. People of our society would find many of traditional ideas to be sound because they were based on a lot of observation and are being passed from generations, but this does not make all traditional ideas to be reasonable and sound. So, we have to be critical and selective in examining and accepting readily available ideas and theories.
It is a common knowledge that a lot of prejudice and beliefs about different people or issues is passed on from generation to generation, family to family through its uncritical acceptance. Many beliefs and superstitions fall in this category. The scientific attitude requires objectively, not rushing into readymade opinions but patient observation and then by only forming an opinion. If we are inquisitive and ask questions, then we should examine the data or evidence, and we cannot afford to be single-minded in such a case. We have to be open to change our opinion if the evidence takes us in that direction.
In fact for an overall growth and development of any organization or the country as a whole, we have to foster a Scientific Temper in the citizens with absolute capacity for critical evaluation. There are two possibilities for achieving this target. First may be to make special efforts for developing scientific temper by organizing different types of programmes at grass root level. The second one may be to make it an integral part of the school curriculum. The principal component of education should be the development of scientific temper. The objective of school education must be to develop an active and informed learner not a passive and unaware one. Efforts should be made to encourage maximum use of innovative teaching methods in science learning which in turn help in developing scientific temper among the students.
This scientific temperament is important in our life because this kind of attitude enable general public for making their decisions rational. Therefore we can conclude that the development of scientific temper among the citizens of our society is essential for the overall development of the nation.
SBR Vivek
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